Upcycling is making something out of nothing
Upcycling is finding a new use for something that you thought you were finished with
It’s part of the cycle of recycling…. remodelling things you have at home to make new products – re-use, re-cycle, upcycle! We can look again at items we have finished with and recognise their value as source material for new projects - reusing and giving new life to resources rather than sending them to landfill. Here are just a few things we can upcycle into new things.
Tee shirts – Make something out of your old tee shirts
Tee cosy, bags, tee roses, Baby bandit bibs, Baby dresses, Hats, bathmats
Socks - what you can do with old socks
Jubbly juggly bags, Doll’s clothes, Sock puppets
Plastic bottles and cups - things to make with plastic bottles and cups
Lights - domelights, sparkle balls
Windmills, wind garden - from bottles and bags
Flowers – from yoghurt pots, cups and bits and pieces
Collaged picture frames, Colourful beads
Magazines, maps and wrapping paper
Some definitions to help us:
reduce, - use less of something
re-use - use the same thing again and again
re-cycle - Reduce the item to its core materials and process to make them suitable for re-use in a new manufacture
renovate - make something like new again
repair - Fix something again for its original purpose, make do and mend
revamp - give something a bit of an upgrade – re vitalise or refurbish
re purpose - To change the use of an item
remake- Make something again - Make into something else - clothing
renew - To restore
repair - to restore to a good or sound condition after decay or damage; to mend:
refresh - to make fresh again; reinvigorate
restore - to bring back to a former, original, or normal condition, as a building, statue, or painting.
revive - Bring something back to life
upcycle - re-purposes the item and creates new meaning and new use for the same materials.